Alison Tipton graduated from Texas Tech University in 1994, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and Secondary Education. For 21 years, Alison has served as an educator in several Texas Panhandle counties including Briscoe, Floyd, Swisher, Castro, and Hale. While serving as an English Language Arts and Reading teacher for 12th grade at Plainview High School, Alison was chosen to be part of a Restorative Practices cohort for her campus. Because of this experience, Alison began to recognize the limitations of punitive discipline in the school setting. Alison’s journey has not been without personal hardships. In 2012, she experienced the devastating loss of her 14-year-old son. This tragedy, compounded by the fact that her daughter was a senior in high school at the time, reshaped her family’s priorities and values. Drawing strength from this experience, Alison channeled her grief into a renewed determination to create meaningful change in the lives of her students. She believes that building relationships in the classroom through Restorative Practices and Trauma-Informed Care will create healthier classrooms where students feel safe and accepted. Currently, Alison serves as the Training and Technical Assistance Professional for Step Up Texas serving Swisher and Castro Counties. In her spare time, Alison enjoys traveling, going to the beach, attending rock concerts, and spending time with her husband and daughter.